
Piece Replacement Info


Yes! We can replace any lost or "puppy chewed" pieces. Since all our puzzles are hand-cut, no 2 pieces are exactly alike. For this reason, we can't just send you a replacement piece based on just knowing which piece it is.

*Note; If your puzzle is a multi-layer puzzle, please contact us. The instructions (below) won't necessarily work to make your replacement piece. We will provide alternate instructions.

**Here are your piece replacement instructions (for single-layer puzzles);
1. Arrange the pieces (around the hole of the missing piece) so that they are in their right places, but pushed ever-so-slightly towards the hole of the missing piece. Tape these surrounding pieces firmly down with scotch tape.
2. Lay a piece of paper over the hole of the missing piece. Tape this paper firmly down with scotch tape.
3. Using your thumb, gently rub the inside corner of the edge of the missing pieces hole until you see a slight indentation indicating the full border of the hole.
4. Following the indentation you just made (with this paper still taped in place), rub along this indented line with the horizontal edge of a sharpened pencil lead in such a way that a very sharp definition of the whole border of the missing piece is evident. (There's a way to do it so that your rubbing looks like a drawing of the hole...Try it a few times until you "get the touch". Remember that the better and more complete the pencil rubbing, the better the replacement piece will fit! We will cut from your rubbing. Make sure it's complete so that we don't have to make any guesses about your line.)

*If your puzzle has 2 adjacent missing pieces, please do one rubbing for the shared hole. We will cut your pencil rubbing into the appropriate number of pieces.

**In addition, please tell us these 3 things;
5. Tell us if the piece is from a puzzle with a child's name or a puzzle without a name.
6. If the piece is a letter from a name puzzle, tell us the name on the puzzle and the design that the name is coupled with. (This will help us in determining the color of the letter piece.
7. One last request; Please tell us if the piece had a peg in it or not.

We'll get your replacement piece or pieces back to you as soon as we can.

-Marvin and Margaret
Phone: (541) 758-3897 (11am+)

*Please send the pencil rubbing plus;
-Your name/phone number/email address
-Ship-to name and address
-$8 per replacement piece (check payable) to;

2585 SE Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, Oregon 97333